Coach Selection for the 2012/2013 Season, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Jan 05, 2012 | Administrator | 1579 views
Coach Selection for the 2012/2013 Season
It is that time of year again — although our season has not neared its completion, it is time to think about next year. In 2011-2012 the NCOHA Predators created a new coach selection process. It was based on an objective and comprehensive approach to soliciting more coaching applications and assessing these submissions via a multi-pronged process. This included: Resume Review, Interview Process, Practical Exercises including a written component, and a Reference Check.

This process will continue for 2012-2013 with a couple of improvements. In 2012, the NCOHA Predator Executive has chosen Roy Micks, Executive Member for Player Development, to be the Chair of the Coach Selection Committee. All members of the Committee will be chosen for their experience in Coaching, Player Assessment and Evaluation.

For 2012-2013, the Predators will be fielding teams from Minor Atom to Major Midget. The process for the submission of coaching applications is as follows:

  1. Applicants provide a Coaching Application and Resume. The Applications will be provided on the website by January 10th 2012. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, February 3rd.
  2. Applicants are contacted by the Coach Selection Committee Chair, Roy Micks, to attend an interview. Interviews will be held in mid February with Major Midget interviews being held first.
  3. All interviews will be concluded by the end of February with Major Midget interviews being concluded by February 17th.
  4. Announcements for the Major Midget Coach will be made on February 17th. The remaining announcements will be made in early March depending upon play-off schedules.


All resumes and applications are to be submitted to Roy Micks, Coach Selection Committee. The resume and application can be mailed to:

203 Rosslyn Road
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 5W2

Alternatively, the applications can be made electronically to [email protected].

Thank-you very much for your interest, and good luck in your application.

Pat Morris
NCOHA Predators
