Hockey Skills Development Tender, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Apr 02, 2013 | PatM and Rich Foshay | 2239 views
Hockey Skills Development Tender
For 2013-14 the Predators will be augmenting the development program for each team. Apart from regularly scheduled sesions with the coaching staff, each team will receive approximately one hour-long session every two weeks with professional skills/development personnel. The Predators are now soliciting tenders from skating and skills professionals to select appropriate candidates to run these sessions. We feel this extra development will enhance individual skills in fundamental areas of the game and improve team performance.

To assist the performance of our teams, the Predator Executive Board is acquiring extra on-ice sessions for all teams. These sessions will be focussed on power-skating, edge work, puck-handling and protection, etc. The Predators are currently requesting submissions from established skating/skills professionals to select the appropriate candidates for various age groups. Please provide an overview of the age group(s) you are responding to (i.e. Minor and Major Atom), the program that you provide and the hourly cost. Send your submissions to Vice-President Rich Foshay at [email protected] by May 1st. Decisions will be made by May 31st. 

Pat Morris and Rich Foshay