Two Deep Dressing Room Policy, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Oct 07, 2014 | JenR | 1949 views
Two Deep Dressing Room Policy
To provide a safe and comfortable dressing room environment with proper supervision for players and team officials, the OHF developed the 2 Deep Dressing Room POlicy in November 2013.  ALL NCP TEAMS MUST BE AWARE OF THIS POLICY AND ADHERE TO IT DURING THE 2014-15 SEASON.

When any player under the age of 19 is in the team dressing room(s) before, during and after a game or practice, a minimum of two of the following shall be present in the dressing room(s) or immediately outside the dressing room(s) with the door ajar: two team or club/association officials, properly screened or one such official and an adult person associated with the team (parent). 

This means that if a player is sent off the ice due to injury or penalty during the game, the parent(s) of that player and manager/trainer MUST leave the stands and move to the dressing room area as per OHF policy.
