NCP Major Bantams Play for Gold in Wendy Dufton Tournament in London!, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Oct 09, 2016 | LNewhall | 1167 views
NCP Major Bantams Play for Gold in Wendy Dufton Tournament in London!
Our NCP Major Bantams had a great Thanksgiving tournament, going 3-2 for the weekend.

Friday night saw the Bantams win their first game 3-0 over the London Jnr Knights and drop their second game 2-4 to their rivals, the York Simcoe Express.

Saturday, the Preds won another 3-0 game over the Sun County Panthers to advanced them to the semi finals.  The Major Bantams took that game 4-0 over Chatham which put them in a rematch vs. YSE for gold.

Our boys battled hard but ultimately fell to YSE 3-0.  It was a great weekend for our Major Bantam Team.  Way to go Preds!