COACH SELECTION PROCESS: 2017-2018 SEASON, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Dec 17, 2016 | LNewhall | 1690 views
Our North Central Ontario Hockey Association is requesting interested coaching candidates to submit applications for our teams Major Atom (birth year 2007) to Major Midget (birth year 2000 & 2001) by Friday January 6th, 2017. 

(**Please note our Minor Atom coach selection process has already begun**)

The process for the selection of the 2017-2018 season coaches is as follows:

Applicants to complete a coaching application and provide and accompanying resume.  Our coaching application form can be found as attached

The deadline for submission is NOON FRIDAY JANUARY 6th, 2017

Applicants will be contacted by the Coach Selection Committee Chair, Chris Beiers, to attend interviews to be held in the two weeks following the deadline

All interviews and reference checks will be completed by January 31st, 2017

Coach Selection Committee recommendations will be presented to the NCOHA Executive by early February 2017.  Public Announcement of our 2017-2018 coaches will be made after Executive approval.

All applications/resumes can be mailed to Chris Beiers at:

PO Box 20043
149 Westmount Drive N
Orillia, ON L3V 7X9 

or via email at:  [email protected]

