A reminder that the NCOHA Annual General
Meeting will be held May 22th from 7-9pm at the Rama MASK (upstairs).
If there are any motions to make amendments to the Constitution, these must be received no later than May 1st in the form
of an email to
[email protected].
The following Executive positions are up
for election for the 2018-2019 season, as the positions are either not
currently filled, are being vacated or term has been served:
Fundraising & Special Events
Equipment Convenor
OMHA Delegate/Registrar
Communications & Website
A nomination must be delivered to the Secretary no less than 7 days prior to the AGM/election.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor only for a vacant position that has no approved candidate. If you are interested in running for a position listed above, you must send an email to [email protected] no later than May 15th, 2018.
For a copy of the 2017 NCOHA Constitution -
click here
For a copy of the Duties & Responsibilities of the Executive Positions -
click here