General Updates for NCP Organization, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Apr 12, 2019 | LNewhall | 1936 views
General Updates for NCP Organization
Just a reminder on a few items:

PTS Forms
Jerseys for Tryouts
Changes with Novice Age Players

PTS Form:
Please ensure you have a printed copy of your child's permission to skate form when you check in/register at the front desk for tryouts.  It must be signed by the parent as well, so if you are not accompanying your child, ensure it is signed please.

This year we will be switching to Pinney's for tryouts so please ensure your child brings a jersey to wear underneath.

The OMHA has decided that 2011 born children will be eligible to try out for Minor Atom Teams.  They will still require their PTS Forms from the home centre and will need to register on the tab above. 