NCP-AAA REGISTRATION CLOSED, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Aug 29, 2021 | KCipolla | 2691 views
Registration >> CLOSED 2021 2022 

Tryout Costs & Process:

Players & Goalies: Must complete online tryout registration form. Tryout Cost for players is $100 through PAYPAL, for the first two consecutive tryout dates for their age level. Coaches may start to release players at the conclusion of the 2nd scheduled

All players, including goalies, must wear proper equipment as per OMHA regulations. This includes mouth guards and throat/neck protectors/guards at each tryout. Players will not be allowed on the ice without proper equipment.

ALL Covid- Safety protocols in place.

At the conclusion of the final tryout for each team, players who are selected for the team will be asked (along with their parent(s).) to sign an OMHA "Offer of Commitment" and will be responsible for payment of the season fee. To minimize the initial financial outlay, the following installment plan is available to all players who have signed a letter of intent:

(i) Last Tryout - $500.00 cheque, dated with current date, payable to your team account.

This cheque will cover tournament entries and start-up team costs and is non-refundable in the event the player later resigns from the team.

(ii) A series of 5 post-dated cheques collected by the teams Manager:

Dated Oct 1 2021, Nov 1 2021, Dec 1 2021, January 1 2022 for registration fees. Alternatively one cheque for the full registration fee dated no later October 1 2021.

Registration fees are as follows: Atom / U11 - $2700.00
Peewee / 12 - $2875.00 Bantam Minor / U14- $3,000
Bantam / U15- $3,025.00 Midget / U16 & U18 - $3,025.00
