Head Coach Announcement 2023-2024, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Feb 17, 2023 | Bob McKenzie | 2279 views
Head Coach Announcement 2023-2024
The Executive of the North Central Predators would like to announce our head coaches for the 2023-2024 season. "The interest shown in becoming a head coach in our Association for next season was unprecedented," states Roger Crandell, president of NCP. "We would like to thank all the applicants who stepped forward and applied to become a head coach in our system. Becoming a volunteer these days is a huge commitment and we appreciate all the people who applied."

"Our Executive believes that we have assembled a fine group of people to lead our hockey clubs next season," states Rich Foshay, NCP VP and Chair of the coach selection committee. "The expectation is that our head coaches will lead our athletes both on and off the ice helping them develop as good young adults while developing them as hockey players. We believe our players will be in good hands for the upcoming season," continued Foshay. "Congratulations to the successful candidates and a big thanks to everyone who applied to coach in our organization."

Here are our head coaches for 2023-2024:
U-10 Jeff Hopkins
U-11 Daryl Bat
U-12 Tobias Whelan
U-13 Sean Ostrom
U-14 Tom Pethick
U-15 Mark McGrath
U-16 Stan Kondrotas
U-18 Derek Williams & Dan Schaly

We would like to congratulate these 9 people for their selection as head coaches in our Association.

Our website will feature contact information for all these coaches in the coming days. Please reach out to our coaches if you have any questions about your child's opportunity to become a North Central Predator. Tryouts for all our clubs will begin April 24 - through April 30 at the RAMA MASK.
