UPDATED 2024-2025 Tryout Information: U10-U16, News (North Central Predators AAA)

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Mar 30, 2024 | NCP Communications | 2870 views
UPDATED 2024-2025 Tryout Information: U10-U16

Tryout Registration Opens April 7, 2024


North Central AAA Zone Tryouts for 2024-25 Season
U10 - U16
Tryout Schedule The tryout schedule will be posted on April 7, 2024
U10-U13 will start on Saturday, April 20, 2024
U14-U16 will start on Monday, April 22, 2024


Please note that tryout registration fees for all age groups is $125.00

North Central Predators AAA ‘In Zone’ players that wish to tryout for a AAA team must attend from the first tryout.

In Zone players will be guaranteed a minimum of two skates.

All players who are ‘Out of Zone’, and wish to attend tryouts, a paper copy of the Waiver/Form 1 email from the player's respective AAA Zone or AAA Home Centre MUST be presented prior to stepping on the ice as per OMHA Policy. Due to the uncertainty of timing when an 'Out of Zone' player may arrive, 'Out of Zone' players are guaranteed one skate.

U16 ‘Out of Zone’ players: Out of zone players who were rostered to the NCP AAA ZONE for the 2023-24 season will be provided accommodation to remain with NCP AAA ZONE through OMHA Policy 5.4 – Grandfathering. If the Player chooses not to remain with their 2023-24 team beyond that season, the Player’s Grandfathered status will cease and they must adhere to OMHA Regulation 3.5 b) i) (return to their home centre).

Permission to Skate (PTS) Form

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) requires that every player trying out for a AAA team provide the AAA Zone/Centre with a Permission to Skate (PTS) Form from their Home Centre (i.e. Orillia Minor Hockey, Midland Minor Hockey, etc.) prior to stepping on the ice.

Failure to provide a Permission to Skate (PTS) Form will result in an incomplete tryout registration and the player will not be permitted to skate. A refund will not be issued in this circumstance.

Be sure to confirm the process to request a PTS with your home centre and note any DEADLINES for submitting a request for a PTS Form. It is possible you may be required to register the player with your home centre regardless of the player's plan.

Home centres will be inundated with Permission to Skate requests. DO NOT LEAVE IT TO THE LAST MINUTE TO REQUEST THE Permission to Skate.

You do not need the PTS Form to complete this registration, but a hard copy of the PTS MUST BE PRESENTED at the first tryout.

Tryout Fee

Cost for Tryouts is $125.00.

Payments will be processed via the registration portal.  Once you complete your registration information proceed through the payment portion.  Any registration without payment confirmation will be considered incomplete.


Registration is non-refundable after the first tryout for your respective age group has begun. If payment was made PRIOR to the first tryout and a refund is requested, a refund will be issued, less our $20.00 administration fee.

Tryout Absences

The NCP Executive may excuse a player from tryouts if a player is injured or for other good cause. The player/parent must submit a written request to the NCP Executive as soon as possible, but in any case, not after tryouts have commenced.

Please submit your written request to NCP Vice President, Rich Foshay.
Waiver/Form 1 Process

If a player is requesting a Waiver/Form 1 from the NCP AAA Zone, registration and payment for tryouts MUST still be processed online and the player is expected to attend the tryouts. Waiver/Form 1s will only be considered by an NCP AAA Zone Executive Member with approval from the Head Coach of their age group; considerations for Waivers/Form 1s are at the discretion of the Coach. The Coach will advise the Executive of the name of players released after each tryout. The Waiver/Form 1 is done electronically, and the Head Coach will provide you with instructions on how to request it at the appropriate time. A Waiver/Form 1 is only required if the player is proceeding to another AAA Zone to tryout. It is not required if the player is returning to their home centre.


Players residing within our Association boundaries that wish to tryout for an NCP AAA Zone team are expected to attend and be present at the first tryout.

Players attending NCP AAA tryouts on a Waiver/Form 1 are required to present a paper copy of the waiver when attending their first tryout.

Player Safety and Compliance

OMHA rules stipulate that all players are required to wear proper equipment during the tryout process. This includes, but is not limited to, mouth guards, neck protection and goalie 'dangles' (plastic neck guards). Players not wearing appropriate protection in compliance with OMHA rules will not be permitted on the ice surface or will be removed from the ice if found in non-compliance.
