Oct 17, 2016 | quevm | 1120 views
Montana's Cookhouse Minor Bantam's Keeping it Going
The North Central Predators Montana's Cookhouse Minor Bantam's are continuing their solid start to the season extending their record to 2-1 over the last two weekends with a stretch of some great home games.
We faced one of our greatest rivals from last season, the Richmond Hill Coyotes. The Preds came out with a solid showing but unfortunately fell 2-1. It was a tight game and we are looking forward to the rematches!
Next the Markham Waxers came to Rama for our second game of the season and we were happy to have that bounce back win with a score of 6-3.
Our next opponent was the Whitby Wildcats in back to back weekends. Having come out on top in the first game, the Preds were hoping for a similar result. With most of the 3rd period being played shorthanded, the Preds were still able to pull off a 3-2 victory.
The Preds are travelling to the Harborcentre Cup in Buffalo this weekend.
Go Preds Go!!