Nov 21, 2016 | quevm | 1544 views
Barrie Colts Remembrance Day Tournament Champions!!
The Orillia Montana's Cookhouse Predators came out victorious in their rivals inaugural tournament, the Barrie Colts Remembrance Day Tournament going undefeated at 5-0 in the tournament.
The Predators first took on the Soo Greyhounds in our first game coming out on top with a 6-0 win.
Our 2nd game had us taking on the Ajax Raiders who we had faced twice already in regular league play and had come out on top in both meetings. In the tournament, we were also able to win in a 4-2 decision.
Our 3rd game we took on the home team, the Barrie Colts. We played a strong game and won 4-1. The Preds dominated a large portion of the game and the boys were on their game and disciplined.
For the semi final, we revisited the Soo Greyhounds. The game was more physical and the elimination factor definitely played a role however the Preds were successful and came out on top with a 5-3 win.
And off to the finals... meeting the Barrie Colts for a winner take all game. The Colts came out strong but the Preds were on their game and successfully shut down the Colts offense. We came out in the final with a 4-2 victory!
The Preds had a great weekend of hockey and the wins made it even better!!
Next off to the International Silver Stick in Whitby!! Go Preds Go!!