Oct 15, 2014 | Therrien | 1085 views
Rockin in Rochester
The NCP Atoms travelled across the boarder to showcase their talent on Thanksgiving Weekend. Goals were a plenty in the first game they played but would not come so easily the following games. The team finished the weekend with a 2 and 2 record and continue to impress with their never quit attitude and team first spirit.
For the first time this season the team had an injury to overcome. Taylor Beiers one of the teams goalies had an upper body injury that keep him sidelined, but did not keep him down. Taylor dressed for every game joining his team on the bench freezing his feet while remaining in good spirits cheering his team on regardless of the situation or score. This saw Tucker Northcott shoulder the load for the weekend, Tucker made some spectacular saves keeping the boys with-in striking distance at all times. With both our goalies showing great sportsmanship and determination it must have been contagious because all the boys from NCP were great athletes throughout the weekend. The forwards played both ends of the ice being responsible and unselfish. The defence moved the puck at both ends and where especially good at clearing the net of traffic letting Tucker see the play allowing him make key saves giving the team a chance to compete.