Oct 18, 2014 | Therrien | 1092 views
Coyotes came to play
Saturday saw the West Division leading Richmond Hill Coyotes come to Rama for an afternoon affair. The Coyotes came in with an impressive 4 and 1 record and plenty of fire power to back it up. The "Preds" wanting to show that they were ready to play with the leagues elite, had practiced hard during the week and eagerly awaited the puck drop.
Shortly after the puck was dropped, the coyotes took advantage of an early power play and didn't let up. It was not the start that Coach Chris and the staff had hoped for. The Coyotes had numerous scoring chances throughout the game but were stymied by the hard work of the "preds" goalie, who regardless of the score keep turning away the coyotes efforts. The "Preds" never got on a roll through the game and wont have long to reminisce about missed opportunities when they play another afternoon game vs Ajax-Pickering.
Ajax-Pickering is currently 1 point ahead of the Predators who are anxious to show the coach and to themselves that the Coyote game was a one time affair. As the staff has preached ,it takes three periods of hard work and every player to contribute and do there their job to the best of their ability every shift.