Jan 19, 2016 | AndreaM | 2032 views
Minor Bantams Tournament Champs
Congrats to the Marine Insurance Minor Bantams!
Great Lakes Cup Tournament Champions!
The hard work defensively, offensively and between the pipes is what enabled the Minor Bantam Preds to bring the Great Lakes Cup home to Rama.
The boys won their first two games Friday: 4-2 vs the London Jr Knights and 5-2 vs the Huron Perth Lakers.
Saturday the boys came out slow and finished with a tie vs the Sault St. Marie, final 2-2.
Later Saturday, the boys secured their spot in the semi's with a 5-1 win vs Oakville Rangers.
The Preds faced the Chatham Kent Cyclones in the Semi's Sunday morning finishing 4-1 and moving onward to the Finals. Determined to be the Champs the boys played some excellent hockey vs the Cambridge Hawks.
All their hard work paid off and the Preds won 5-3! Congrats Boys!!!